Chemical giants are increasing their presence in the Chinese market! ExxonMobil, Acoma, Covestro WhaIssuing time:2021-11-24 20:40 Unconsciously Approaching the final month of 2021 Recently, many chemical giants Continuously focusing on the Chinese market Improve the business landscape in China Today, Xiangxiang will take an inventory for everyone What areas have giants laid out in China? How is the progress? ExxonMobil: The total investment is about 10 billion US dollars, and the Huizhou ethylene project has officially started construction! On November 16th, the ExxonMobil Huizhou ethylene project with a total investment of approximately $10 billion officially began construction. The project is located in the Daya Bay Petrochemical Zone of Huizhou and will be constructed in two phases. The first phase of the project has an investment of approximately 45 billion yuan and plans to build a 1.6 million ton/year ethylene cracking unit. The main products include 1.2 million tons/year metallocene polyethylene, 500000 tons/year high-pressure polyethylene, 475000 tons/year impact resistant polypropylene, and 480000 tons/year average polypropylene. After the first phase of the project is completed, it is expected to achieve an annual operating income of 39 billion yuan. At the same time as the completion and commissioning of the first phase of the project plan, the construction of the second phase of the project will be initiated. The ExxonMobil Huizhou Ethylene Project will produce high-performance polymers for applications in packaging, automotive, agriculture, and healthcare. For example, ExxonMobil's proprietary metallocene technology for high-performance polyethylene is used in packaging, sanitary materials, industrial and consumer goods; High performance impact resistant copolymer polypropylene (ICP) and non-woven polypropylene are used in automobiles, household appliances, hygiene, and personal care products. This project is the first petrochemical project constructed solely by ExxonMobil in China. After the completion of the project, it will inject strong momentum into the high-quality construction of a world-class green petrochemical industry base in Huizhou and the creation of a trillion level petrochemical energy and new material industry cluster. It will also provide support for the development of a world-class green petrochemical industry cluster in Guangdong. Karen McKee, Global Vice President and President of Chemical Company at ExxonMobil, said, "We are committed to establishing a competitive growth platform in Daya Bay, so we look forward to the progress of the project." Oshengde: Continuous investment! Suzhou production base expands production capacity
Since Ascend announced its first asset acquisition in China in June 2020 and completed integration and production within a few months, the Suzhou production base has officially started operation. It has completed a series of software and hardware upgrades and increased production capacity, and will continue to invest resources to increase production capacity. On November 1st, the new production line of Aoshengde Suzhou Production Base was officially put into use! This production base can produce a full range of Fanda Vydyne ® And Starflam ® Modified polyamide engineering plastics will increase annual production capacity by 12000 tons. ▲ 图源:奥升德Ascend Faced with shortages of fiberglass raw materials and extremely unstable ocean logistics conditions in North America and Europe, Aoshengde adheres to global unified product quality standards, transfers more products, and enhances local production and technical capabilities. In the future, Oshengde will continue to implement long-term investment plans in Asia, especially in China. Meanwhile, Oshengde is accelerating the construction of the Asia Pacific Innovation Center (AAIC) at its Suzhou base and developing a wider range of high-performance materials. Akoma: Establishing a new bio based polyamide 11 powder factory in China On October 11th, Akoma announced that it will build a new polyamide 11 powder factory at its production base in Changshu, China, with plans to start production in the first quarter of 2023. This project will be developed in parallel with Akoma's major project in Singapore, which aims to expand the global production capacity of bio based polyamide 11 by 50%. This investment will further support the growing demand for high-performance bio based materials that are circular and renewable in the Asian market. Rilsan ® Polyamide 11 powder is used in extremely demanding applications and provides innovative solutions for rapidly growing markets driven by major trends, such as durable home appliances, energy-efficient transportation, and 3D printing primarily used in consumer goods, industrial, and aerospace markets. Mr. Erwoan Pezron, Senior Vice President of Akoma's High Performance Polymer Business Unit, said, "We are very excited about this expansion. Among all our key powder product markets, the demand in the Asian market is strong and constantly growing. This increase in production will help us achieve localized supply." Covestro: Plan to build a new polyurethane elastomer factory in Shanghai Recently, Covestro announced plans to build a new polyurethane elastomer factory in Shanghai to meet the growing demand globally, especially in the Asia Pacific region. ▲ 科思创新闻发布会。来源:科思创 Polyurethane elastomers are widely used in fields such as solar energy, offshore wind energy, and material handling. The factory is located at the Covestro Shanghai Integrated Base and is expected to be put into operation in 2023. After the new factory is put into operation, it will mainly respond to the growing demand for polyurethane elastomers in the Asia Pacific market. “这一投资进一步体现了我们对中国市场的信心和承诺。相信我们的弹性体及其他高科技材料解决方案将为国家的可持续发展和碳中和目标做出贡献。”科思创中国区总裁雷焕丽表示。 为把握增长机遇,科思创还与中天海洋系统有限公司达成战略合作协议,共同推广弹性体在海上风电行业的应用,其中包括由替代性原材料制成的弹性体。 延伸阅读→:《风电,站在了风口上!产业链如何?用到哪些橡塑材料?》 赢创: 特种化学品公司赢创工业集团(下称赢创),将进一步加大在华投资。 8月25日,赢创宣布升级其位于上海莘庄工业园的研发基地,并正式更名为“赢创上海创新园”。 此次升级的上海创新园将聚焦于新能源、新材料、生物技术、绿色环保等新兴产业进 行重点研发,从而加强公司在锂离子电池材料、工艺催化剂、增材制造、化妆品和清 洁产品特种成分配方技术等方面的研发能力。 根据规划,在上海创新园内,赢创将建立公司全球首个锂离子电池中心,主要为电池 供应商、汽车主机厂提供针对锂离子电池的一站式产品开发和技术服务。 据悉,该锂离子电池中心一期项目预计将于明年建设完成。 目前,赢创主要提供用于锂电池电芯和电池壳的材料解决方案,包括用于电池正极材 料和隔膜的纳米金属氧化物、用于电池负极的纳米硅粉、用于电池生产过程的助剂等, 以改善电池性能及安全性。 据研究咨询机构埃信华迈(IHS Markit)数据显示,去年全球特种化学品市场规模接近6000亿美元。其中,中国是全球特种化学品最大的消费国,约占全球市场的27%。 巴斯夫: 近几年,巴斯夫也不断加码在中国市场的各项投资。 巴斯夫发布消息称,由中国石化与巴斯夫各持一半股份的合资企业扬子石化–巴斯夫有限责任公司(扬子石化–巴斯夫)扩大了新戊二醇产能。 巴斯夫与中国的杉杉股份成立合资企业,在中国生产电池正极材料。现在,巴斯夫继续加强这一业务,正在其位于勃兰登堡南部施瓦茨海德的正极材料工厂建造一个原型电池回收工厂。 巴斯夫在亚太地区最大的研发枢纽 - 上海创新园成立了可生物降解实验室,以应对日益增长的可生物降解需求,并扩大了全球跨学科研发部门的产品组合。 ▲ 巴斯夫上海浦东科技创新园。图源:MOLBASE摩贝 据新华社11月4日报道,德国《商报》近日援引一项最新调查结果报道,多数在 华德国企业计划增加在华投资。 据悉,德国海外商会联盟·大中华区近期调查表明,72%的在华德企计划增加在 华投资。其中,化工企业 - 巴斯夫, 计划到2025年在广东省投资80亿到100亿欧元建立新工厂。 巴斯夫负责亚洲业务的执行董事会成员马库斯·卡米特说,这将是“公司有史以来最大一笔投资”。他说,中国是化工业最重要的增长市场。到2029年,中国市场占全球化工市场份额将从目前的40%增加到50%。 报道称,为降低新冠疫情对供应链的影响,众多在华德企正加速实施本地化战略,在中国这个重要市场就地生产更多产品。 |